How Social Media is Celebrating Black History Month

February is Black History Month, and many companies are celebrating Black stories and highlighting their contributions to our society. Learn more about what various Social Media platforms are doing to recognize and uplift Black communities and how you can contribute this year.



Facebook is showcasing Black creators via custom logo designs. Additionally, Facebook is launching a series of educational videos and programs that highlight how Black creators have contributed to culture. With a video series that showcases Black contributions of music, a new creative community that showcases Black creators, and a hub to celebrate various Black communities, Facebook is offering platforms to center and acknowledge Black people.



The hashtag #ShareBlackStories is being used to highlight and promote Black voices and their contributions. There are several new creative tools in the Instagram Camera to help users take part in the event and workshops for Black creators to use to help amplify the voices of Black users.



TikTok has launched a new “Black TikTok Trailblazers” list, which recognizes individuals on and off TikTok as leaders and pioneers. Additionally, with a #MakeBlackHistory banner on its Discover page, users can access a schedule of TikTok LIVE programming that features Black creators and artists.



In addition to the #LoveToSeeIt hashtag featuring Black creators, Twitter has added a new hashflag, making it more visible. Additionally, Twitter has set up a UX mentorship program specifically to connect Black mentors with Black mentees for weekly 1:1 meetings.



YouTube has a host of exciting activities planned for Black History Month. Users are already seeing curated content from Black creators and talent spotlighted on their home pages. YouTube is also showcasing artwork from Black guest artists on the YouTube homepage.


What Can You Do?

This February, you can celebrate Black History Month by acknowledging the contributions that Black people have made. Showcase a Black pioneer in your field and celebrate how they have contributed to your industry. Additionally, uplift Black members of your community by sharing their work.

How are you celebrating Black History Month? Let me know in the comments below.